Joseph Ferguson

Joseph Ferguson

Born in 2004, any game with a bonkers story and fun combat is fun to me. Huge fan of the soulsborne games, especially Bloodborne.

How to Get Johnny’s Gun – Cyberpunk 2077

If you’re anything like me, you finished that first Silverhand flashback wondering if you’d be able to snag his awesome revolver. Luckily, you can eventually pick up Johnny’s Malorian Arms 3156, though the opportunity comes right before you reach the…

Johnny Silverhand Car

How to get Johnny Silverhand’s Car – Cyberpunk 2077

Johnny Silverhand, the radical rockerboy, is the co-protagonist in cyberpunk 2077 that accompanies the main character V thoroughought the story. Fans were surprised to find that Johnny’s memorabilia is available in the tail end of the story. In this guide,…

Cyberpunk 2077 How to Free Brick Featured Image

How to Free Brick – Cyberpunk 2077

Maelstrom is a psychotic gang, more machine than man, they remain violent and unpredictable. This theme is extended through the current gang leader, Royce. Erratic and unpredictable, Royce has no intentions to honor Dexter Deshawn’s dealings with the previous leader,…

2022 11 02 17 11 44 moment

How to Use Photo Mode – Cyberpunk 2077

A unique mechanic, Photo Mode allows players in Cyberpunk2077 to experiment with different angels, apertures, and lighting, letting players get that perfect screenshot of their character. In this short tutorial, we’ll go over the Photo Mode’s controls, as well as…

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Prophet Garry Questline Walkthrough

Rambling about Werewolves and Reptilians, Prophet Garry is the conspiracy theorist everyone knows in real life. Most players overlook this raving madman early in the game. However, in the second act, his questline reveals some dark secrets about the REAL…

2022 10 29 11 29 50 moment

How to Make Money & Street Cred – Cyberpunk 2077

Street Cred and Eddies are critical aspects of Cyberpunk 2077, influencing your weapon strength and determining what weapons and rewards you get from specific jobs — and you probably want more. In this guide, we’ll give you simple methods to…