Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin is a freelance writer, living in Derby UK with his wife and his player 3. When time allows he likes nothing more than losing himself in a multi-hour gaming session. He likes most games and will play anything but prefers MMO's, and sandbox RPG's.
Skilly Shooterstars Shoutout Header e1475740589759

Skilly Shooterstars Indie Shout Out

Skilly Shooterstars is an Indie game that tells an age-old classic story. It’s about a scientist who, while creating his time machine inadvertently creates a portal to another dimension, and accidentally summons a large inter-dimensional being. This inter-dimensional being, who…

Ninja Dude vs Zombies Shout Out Header e1475740829501

Ninja Dude Vs Zombies Shout-out

Have you ever wondered what would happen if a ninja climbed to the top of the tower and tried to defend it from a never-ending horde of zombies armed only with shuriken stars? You haven’t? That’s weird. Well, now you…

Terragenesis iOS Review Header Image

TerraGenesis iOS Review

In an endless sea of tapping games, Clash of the Clan rip-offs and games with an extortionate in-game purchasing system, it’s nice to see a game that is not only free but also different and engaging. TerraGenesis, an iOS app…

DOGOS Review Header

DOGOS Shoot ‘Em Up Review

One of my earliest gaming experiences was playing R-Type on the big coin-op machines in the arcades. There was just something about firing huge amounts of weapons at an overwhelming amount of enemies; destroying massive airships and tiny scrambling fighters…

Junkrat Overwatch Tips Tricks Play Guide

Junkrat Overwatch Tips & Tricks

I’ve mentioned it a few times but Junkrat is my favourite of all the characters in Blizzards first person shooter Overwatch. In short (and bearing in mind, that every Overwatch character has a full and integrated backstory) Junkrat is an…

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No Man’s Sky Sandbox Game Review

No Man’s Sky, a procedurally generated space exploration sandbox game from Hello Games appears to have split the player base down the middle. Players seem to either love it or loathe it, and curiously enough it’s often the same reason…

Zombie Chimps Games Lessons Header

Last Weeks Top Games and Lessons

So another week has passed and everyone here at the Zombie Chimp have been fervently hammering away at their pc’s and consoles, racking up as many points and xp as their mis-shapen claws will allow, but which games in particular…

Reflect Indie Game Shout-out

Sometimes, a random incident puts you in contact people who you would never have met normally. For example, one mis-sent tweet got me DM’ing with @TheDudeFromCI, who is the founder of Wraithaven Games, and indie game development company well into…

One Night in Karazhan Header Image

One Night in Karazhan Hearthstone Expansion

One Night in Karazhan, the latest expansion for Blizzard Entertainment’s online card game Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft has been out now for just under a week and I have finally got round to checking out the prologue. Here I am…

Nuka World Release Date Header

Nuka-World Fallout 4 DLC Release Date

Bethesda Softworks have finally announced the release date for their latest and last piece of Fallout 4 DLC, Nuka-World. The release date has been set for 30th August and there’s a brand spanking new trailer as well. Details are still…