Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin is a freelance writer, living in Derby UK with his wife and his player 3. When time allows he likes nothing more than losing himself in a multi-hour gaming session. He likes most games and will play anything but prefers MMO's, and sandbox RPG's.
Through the Woods Logo

Through the Woods Review

I mentioned in this post, about Through the Woods, a survival horror game based in the dark and eerie forests off the coasts of Norway, that I haven’t played any survival horror games for a while. Well, now I’ve got…

Armello PS4 Sept Release

Over the past few months there have been several games that smoosh (technical term) board games, card games and RPG’s together, Hand of Fate and Dicetiny spring to mind. Although each of them share similar smooshing techniques the elements are…

Assault Android Cactus – Sci-Fi Gnome Gauntlet

Imagine what would happen if you took some World of Warcraft gnomes, strapped heavy weaponry to them and threw them into a Gauntlet style environment. Well don’t bother, because Witch Beam has already done it, in the form of their…


Chariot Wars on Steam Now

Chariot Wars is a Chariot racing arcade game, available now on Steam, that uses the format of Mario Kart but with the loincloth and sandal wearing Romans of yester-century. Unlike Mario Kart, there’s a story. Emperor Hadrian organises a Chariot…

The Repopulation, City Building MMO

The Repopulation, is a kickstarter-funded MMO from Above and Beyond which not only has fully customisable towns but also apparently, no levelling. The no-levelling is an interesting concept, as it’s the levels that push your character and the storyline along.…

Windward, a different type of MMO

Windward is certainly different as far as MMO’s go. In a land where 90% of the MMO’s are filled with orcs, goblins, humans, fireballs and trolls, it’s a refreshing change to play something that doesn’t have any of those things…

Windward Released on Steam

Windward is now out. I know what you’re thinking, what? No pre-amble, no length prologue about how I covered Windward both here and here. Well, apparently, just a wee, little prologue then. Well, Tasharan Entertainment have stuck to their promises…

Through the Woods Logo

Through the Woods: Survival Horror

I haven’t played many survival horror games recently. I played the hell out of Silent Hill and Silent Hill 2 as well as the first three Resident Evils. Since then, things have kinda tailed off. Maybe, I’m waiting for the…

Game Loading Logo2

GameLoading: Rise of the Indies

GameLoading: Rise of the Indies, a Kickstarter-funded documentary that explores the rapidly growing indie community, was released a few days ago. I know, I know. Where was I a few days ago? Well, erm, I was”¦. Shut up alright. I…

Windward Released May 12th

A couple of months ago, I wrote this post to tell you about Windward, Tasharen Entertainments action sandbox game set on the dangerous and considerably wet, high seas. Well, this is just to let you know that Windward is due to…