Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin is a freelance writer, living in Derby UK with his wife and his player 3. When time allows he likes nothing more than losing himself in a multi-hour gaming session. He likes most games and will play anything but prefers MMO's, and sandbox RPG's.
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Final Fantasy X Rated

I’ve not been feeling great these past two days. I know, I can just feel the pity. While I may not have been well enough to go to work, I was more than well enough to spend about 15-20 hours…

Bioshock 2 Review – Bioshockingly good!

A Bioshock 2 review? Now? A bit late isn’t it? Maybe. It’s good to know that when the money’s not flowing as readily as you’d like there are still plenty of places where you can get games for next to…

Final Fantasy XIII Review

With Fable 3 completed I’ve set my sights on another game that never really got a chance, Final Fantasy XIII on the xBox 360. There’s a history with this game for me. When it first came out I saw the…

alternative fable 3 cover art

Fable III: Info Chunks and Rant Nuggets

Seeing as most of the people died in my first playthrough of Fable III, and I wanted to actually play a murderous, thieving asshole rather than the goody-goody of my first run, add to that a sprinkling of knee-jerk reactions…

Oblivion, Elder Scrolls IV: Game Review

The Elder Scrolls series from Bethesda has been on my mind recently. This is partly due to the imminent release of Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on the 11th November, coupled with the fact that I’ve been playing Elder Scrolls IV:…

top 10 search terms jpg

Search Terms, How did you find me?

I came across this blog and they had taken 10 interesting search terms that had taken people to their blog and then they had written a bit about those queries and sent them to the right place. I figured that…

Sarif Industries have their own website

I just came across this. It’s a mock website for Sarif Industries, for those who don’t know it’s the cybernetic augmentation company featured in Deus Ex: Human Revolution. This website doesn’t add anything to your game, or at least if…

the sims social

Sims Social Review: Simply Mediocre

Ah, Facebook games. Another one of my favourite gaming franchises have released a Facebook game. This time EA Games, the owner of The Sims has released The Sims Social. Once more my ability to detach myself from my petty dislike…