Gaming Guides

palworld storage featured image

Best Way to Store Items – Palworld

Being a survival/crafting game, Palworld sees you collecting, creating, and storing a lot of stuff. And yet, the storage containers in Palworld are, to put it mildly, lacking. Most containers have surprisingly little storage space, they all take up different…

palworld how to breed pals

How to Breed Pals – Palworld

Your base is often going to be your improvement hub: here you can craft better equipment, spheres to capture powerful Pals, and enhance things for yourself, as well as upgrade your Pals. Yet, you are soon likely to find Breeding…

palworld tower boss strategy featured image marcus and faleris

Marcus & Faleris (PIDF Tower Boss) – Palworld

Marcus and Faleris are the leaders of the only police force of Palworld — you might’ve met them if you attacked humans or went to the Nature Preserves — and they act like it. With the first flying Tower Boss,…

palworld tower boss strategy featured image zoe and grizzbolt

Zoe & Grizzbolt (Rayne Syndicate Tower Boss) – Palworld

The first boss most players will encounter in Palworld is Zoe and Grizzbolt, leaders of the Rayne Syndicate. This first “Tower Boss” is likely to be a greater challenge than any you’ve come across before, thanks to the high health,…