Gaming Guides

baldurs gate 3 featuredimage findtheshipment

Find the Shipment – Baldur’s Gate 3

A caravan has been massacred and its cargo stolen!  Where can you find the shipment, and should you keep it for yourself?  We’ll answer all of your questions in our guide. Map Background While making your way through the Risen…

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Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader – Character Creation Guide

Warhammer 40k: Rogue Trader presents players with enough character creation options to satisfy a real Rogue Trader, and that can be a little bit overwhelming. Especially given how important party composition and character stats and abilities can be in Rogue…

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Shattered Sanctum – Baldur’s Gate 3

This walkthrough will guide you through the Shattered Sanctum, a once-holy site that has been overrun (and run-down) by a huge Goblin army. The massive structure has tons of things to do and secrets to find, and is the location…

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Minsc Build – Baldur’s Gate 3

With his impressive stature, boastful personality, no patience for evil, and his miniature giant space hamster Boo, the unstable Rashemi Ranger Minsc is easily the most famous among the Baldur’s Gate companions. In his original iteration, Minsc wore heavy armour,…

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Jaheira Build – Baldur’s Gate 3

If you know your Baldur’s Gate, when you recruit Jaheira into your party in Baldur’s Gate 3 there’s a good chance you’ll want to immediately turn her into a Fighter/Druid hybrid. After all, that was her class in all the…

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The Hammer Falls – Starfield Mission

The whole story comes full circle in this final Freestar Collective faction mission walkthrough, as you confront head honcho Ron Hope. The mission is a pretty satisfying wrap up of the Freestar faction, with some good rewards and decent story…

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First to Fight, First to Die – Starfield Mission

It is apt for a space cowboy’s or cowgirl’s climactic mission to be a huge, drawn-out gun fight. In this penultimate faction mission of the Freestar Rangers, The First has circled the wagons at their HQ, and it’s up to…

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On the Run – Starfield Mission

With information on two of The First’s members that set up the Hopetown ship heist, you can start hunting them down. In this faction mission walkthrough, we’ll help you catch up with Marco. While the prior missions were dialogue heavy,…

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Surgical Strike – Starfield Mission

Now that you know of a couple persons of interest tied to The First, you can start hunting them down. This is the only instance in any faction that you will choose between two missions on which to do first.…