Gaming Guides

one small step featured image starfield walkthrough

One Small Step – Starfield Mission

In this guide, we’ll walk you through Starfield’s first mission. This mission is quite long, and takes you from the game’s introductory sequence, to character creation, to your first forays into combat, spaceflight, and more. Due to its length, we’ve…

starfield religions sanctum universum

Religion – Starfield

Starfield’s developers have said that while the Settled Systems are populated with people of many different faiths and creeds, there are three religions in particular that will play a major role in your story and interactions with other characters. While…

starfield mantis side quest featured image

Mantis – Starfield Mission

Every galaxy needs a vigilante to inspire fear and serve not just as a hero, but as a symbol that stands unwavering in the face of overwhelming evil. The time has come for you to take up this mantle, and…

starfield tree in new atlantis featured

A Tree Grows in New Atlantis – Starfield Mission

When exploring the city of New Atlantis, you’ll probably be impressed by its robust, well-maintained greenery. But since these are, after all, alien plants, they’ll hold their share of secrets and potential scientific discoveries. This quest is a first in…

starfield supra et ultra featured image

Supra Et Ultra – Starfield Mission

The United Colonies Vanguard is always looking for new captains to enlist in the military, regardless of your past affiliations. If you have a desire to serve and a capable ship, proceed to the MAST district to enlist. Location From…

starfield an invitation featured image

An Invitation – Starfield Mission

The Sanctum Universum church in New Atlantis needs to send out reminders to past churchgoers. This is a great opportunity to learn more about one of the three religions in Starfield. Location From the spaceport launchpad, head straight and turn…

builds starfield guide best builds list

Builds – Starfield

Builds are all about excelling at interesting parts of the game, and Starfield comes with quite a variety: be it piloting spaceships, exploring planets, crafting, upgrading, & building, persuading & manipulating, going all out with physique or guns, or making…

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How to Board an Enemy Ship – Starfield

One of the biggest power fantasies surrounding space exploration and combat is boarding and commandeering an enemy vessel. The cultural comparisons between the final frontier and the open seas have naturally led to motifs and themes surrounding space pirates. In…

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Side Missions – Starfield

If you need a break from rushing around the galaxy supporting the Constellation and looting everything that isn’t tied down, side missions could be just what you’re looking for. Here, we’ll list the side missions available in Starfield and the…