Dragon Quest XI Sells 2m in 2 days of Japan Release

*End battle victory music plays

Dragon Quest XI the long-awaited 11th entry in the grandfather of the rpg genre series has had incredible success over in Japan at launch.

Releasing for both PS4 and 3DS on July 29th, the two versions together have sold 1 million per day so far, with the 3DS version selling 1.13 million copies and the PS4 version selling 0.95 million.

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Illusive Age is the first mainline entry in the series since 2012’s Dragon Quest X, an mmorpg that never left Japanese shores and will be the first single player entry since Dragon Quest IX released in 2009.

First launched all the way back in 1986 (9 years before I was born, are video games old now?) it’s often sited as the forefather of the jrpg genre, bringing the style of game into mainstream success, a year before Final Fantasy became a household name.

Since then the Dragon Quest series has enjoyed massive success in japan over its now 32 year-long life, selling a total of 70 million units worldwide as of December 2016 (a number that will of course be higher come the year’s end)

Despite all mainline entries (minus X) having seen launch in the west, the series reception across the pond has been somewhat more mixed than in its home turf. Despite a big push by Nintendo for the launch of Dragon Quest IX on DS back in 2009 (who could forgot those Jedward ads) the series went dark over here for a few years until 2015 when we saw the warriors style spin of Dragon Quest Heroes in 2015 and the Minecraft style spin-off Dragon Quest Builders (apparently anything can be a Dragon Quest game. Can I request a rhythm game?) that saw enough success to bring interest back the series in the west.

Dragon Quest XI is currently available in Japan and will be available world-wide some time in 2018, the game will be available for both 3DS and PS4.

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Adam Whiles
Adam Whiles

His favorite games are no hall of fame classics. Lover of the bizarre and weird, cult classics and anything Japanese are his bread and butter. He'd sooner have another game from Yoko Taro, than Halo or Uncharted. He believes in the immense potential for video games and the stories they can tell.

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