Gaming News

susurrus game header

Susurrus – The Online Browser Text Adventure

If you look around at the world of gaming today, you’ be hard pressed to find something unique. That isn’t to say that there aren’t some good games out there. It is simply hard to find something unique. Susurrus is…

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Rend Begins First Public Alpha Test

A couple of days ago Rend, the faction-based survival game developed by Frostkeep Studios opened up their public PC Alpha test. Frostkeep Studios may have a new name but it is filled with experienced developers who’ve worked tirelessly on games…

SuperChariot Keyart preview

Super Chariot Launches Releases Trailer

We took a quick look at Super Chariot, the Nintendo Switch co-op platformer developed by Frima, a few weeks ago. Well, it’s due for release on the Nintendo Switch on May 10th, to be followed a week later by it’s…

Starpoint Gemini Warlords Review Header

Starpoint Gemini Warlords Releases Update 2.0

We took a look at Starpoint Gemini Warlords a few months ago and gave it a rather impressive 79%. They have just released update 2.0 that brings in several new factions, a complete redesign of the Diplomacy feature as well…

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Daemonical Steam Horror to Hit Alpha Test

If you’ve been following the horrific asymmetrical multiplayer Daemonical developed by Fearem, then you’ll be very glad to know that it’s going to hit Private Alpha next Wednesday the 9th May, 2018. Fearem say that”¦ “Daemonical offers more than your…

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Shadow of the Tomb Raider Trailer Launch

Yes folks, the new trailer for the Shadow of the Tomb Raider game has finally arrived. For some, you have perhaps been eagerly awaiting the latest instalment to the Tomb Raider series. Like myself, you may have also been wondering…