Character Creation – Starfield

Character creation in Starfield is Bethesda’s most detailed yet. You’re able to fully customize your character’s appearance and background, from their body shape to their facial morphology to their personality traits. This guide will go over all of the options that are available for character customization in Starfield. If you’re looking for some ideas for creating a character, check out our Builds guides. We also have a guide covering what we think are the Best Traits for any character.

The first screen in character creation has only one option:

  • Personnel Record: This slider allows the selection of an appearance preset. There are 40 presets in total. Below are all of the presets that you can choose from. Click on any image to zoom in.

The second screen of character creation allows you to adjust your character’s body type and shape. Here are the options:

  • Muscular/Thin/Heavy: You can drag the point around the circle to adjust your character’s body shape.
  • Body Type: Body type 1 is masculine while body type 2 is feminine.
  • Walk Style: Walk style 1 is more masculine while walk style 2 is more feminine.
  • Skin Tone: You can adjust your character’s skin tone with this slider.

Note that you will be able to choose your character’s pronouns independently of their body type on a later screen.

The third screen in character creation allows you to adjust your character’s facial appearance. This is by far the most complex set of options, but it can be skipped completely if you’re happy with your preset. Here are the options:

  • Skin Tone: You can adjust your character’s skin tone here as well as on the Body screen. They are linked.
  • Head Shapes: You can use this slider to change the overall shape of the character’s head. You can then fine-tune the face’s shape to be more square or round, more thin or wide.
  • Hair: You can use this slider to select the character’s hairstyle.
  • Hair Color: You can use this slider to select the character’s hair color.
  • Facial Hair: You can use this slider to select the character’s facial hair. This slider is exclusive to body type 1.
  • Facial Hair Color: You can use this slider to change the facial hair color, if you have selected facial hair using the option above. This slider is exclusive to body type 1.
  • Eyes: You can use this slider to adjust the shape of the eyes. You can then fine-tune their width, scale, positioning, and shape.
  • Eye Color: You can use this slider to adjust the color of the eyes.
  • Eyebrows: You can use this slider to adjust the shape of the eyebrows. You can then fine-tune their width and positioning.
  • Eyebrow Color: You can use this slider to adjust the color of the eyebrows independently from the color of the hair or facial hair.

  • Forehead: You can use this slider to change the shape of the character’s forehead. You can then fine-tune its width, positioning, and shape.
  • Nose: You can use this slider to change the character’s nose. You can then fine-tune several aspects of its width, length, positioning, and shape.
  • Ears: You can use this slider to change the character’s ears. You can then fine-tune their width, positioning, and shape.
  • Cheeks: You can use this slider to change the character’s cheeks. You can then fine-tune their width, positioning, and shape.
  • Mouth: You can use this slider to change the character’s mouth shape. You can then fine-tune its scale, positioning, overbite/underbite, and shape.
  • Teeth: You can use this slider to change the character’s teeth.
  • Jaw: You can use this slider to change the shape of the character’s jaw. You can then fine-tune its width, positioning, and shape.
  • Chin: You can use this slider to change the shape of the character’s chin. You can then fine-tune its width, positioning, and shape.
  • Neck: You can use this slider to change the shape of the character’s neck. You can then fine-tune its width, wattle, and shape.
  • Jewelry: You can use this slider to give the character jewelry such as earrings and nose rings.

  • Jewelry Color: You can use this slider to change the color of the metal for any jewelry you chose in the option above.
  • Dermaesthetic: You can use this slider to make the character’s facial skin appear rougher or ruddier. You can then adjust the intensity of the effect.
  • Complexion Color Temp: You can adjust the shade of the character’s complexion with this slider. You can then adjust the intensity of the effect.
  • Complexion Blemishes: You can add skin blemishes such as freckles or moles with this slider. You can also select facial stubble. You can then adjust the color and intensity of the effect.
  • Scars: You can add facial scars with this slider. You can then adjust their intensity, making them more or less faded.
  • Facial Forms 1: You can use this slider to add facial features such as wrinkles and dimples. You can then adjust the intensity of the effect.
  • Facial Forms 2: This slider offers the same options as Facial Forms 1, allowing you to apply two different effects at once.
  • Tattoos: You can add facial tattoos with this slider. You can then adjust their color and intensity.
  • Cheeks 1: You can apply blush to the lower cheeks with this slider. You can then adjust its color and intensity.
  • Cheeks 2: You can apply blush to the upper cheeks with this slider. You can then adjust its color and intensity.

  • Lipstick Base: You can apply color to the lips with this slider. You can then adjust its color and intensity.
  • Lipstick Accents: You can apply accents such as liner to the lips with this slider. You can then adjust its color and intensity.
  • Eye Shadow Upper: You can apply color to the upper eyelids with this slider. You can then adjust its color and intensity.
  • Eye Shadow Lower: You can apply color to the lower eyelids with this slider. You can then adjust its color and intensity.
  • Eye Liner Upper: You can apply liner to the upper eyelids with this slider. You can then adjust its color and intensity.
  • Eye Liner Lower: You can apply liner to the lower eyelids with this slider. You can then adjust its color and intensity.
  • Dirt: You can make your character’s face look dirty with this slider. You can then adjust the dirt smears’ color and intensity.

The fourth screen of character creation allows you to choose your character’s background. Backgrounds are Starfield’s version of classes, with each one offering some unique dialogue options over the course of the game as well as three Starting Skills. There are 21 backgrounds to choose from, including one option called [FILE NOT FOUND] that provides starting skills but no unique story interaction.

Here are the options for your character’s background:

starfield character creation backgrounds

The final screen of character creation is where you can choose up to three character traits. Traits offer unique upsides and downsides that will affect quests and dialogue in the game. For example, if you have the Kid Stuff Trait, you’ll be able to visit your parents in the game – but you’ll also send them a portion of your money each week. Traits are optional and you can choose to play without them entirely. They can also be removed later in the game. Some traits can’t be combined with other, similar traits, such as Religion or Faction traits.

Here are the options for your character’s traits:

starfield character creation traits

When you’re finished customizing your character options, press computer key r t / playstation square button / button xbox x v2 to bring up the Complete Profile box.

Here you’ll see your chosen background and traits, and you’ll be able to give your character a name. Once you’ve chosen a name, you’ll be able to change their pronouns by hitting computer key b t / playstation triangle button / button xbox y v2. Options are he/him, she/her, or they/them.

At this point you can press computer key tab t / playstation circle button / button xbox b v2 to go back and change anything in your character options, or you can press computer key r t / playstation square button / button xbox x v2 to confirm that you’re finished with character creation.

If you decide later on that you’re not happy with how your character looks, check out our guide for How to Change Your Appearance.

starfield character creation complete profile
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I love RPGs, sandboxes, survival, and sim games. Anything that lets me build and decorate or just has a really good story. I've spent hundreds of hours in Bethesda games and even more time modding them. I also play a lot of World of Warcraft.

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1 year ago

body type lol wait wait let me get the popcorn